


Conforming to: AWS-A5.17 F7A2-EH14 F7A2-EM12K F7A2-EA2-A2 DIN BFB 165AC12MHP5

Description and application

Semi-Basic, agglomeratcd flux for welding of essential steel in combination with appropriate SAW wire(such as EH14, EA2, EM12K etc.). Weld bead hardly increases Si and Mn, it belongs to metallurgy neutral. It has perfect welding performance, stable arc, good surface, excellent slag removal, high impact toughness at low temperature.
The filler metal should be connected to Positive when DC. SJ10 1 can be used for many applications ranging from boilers to pressure vessel, pipeline and low alloy steel structure.

● Flux type: Fluoride-Basic

● Basicity index:1.80

● Grain size:2.0-0.28mm(10-60meshes)

Views: 854


Compositions of fluxes(%)

SiOe+TiO2 CaO+MgO Al2Os+MnO CaF2 S P
15-25 25-35 20-30 15-25 ≤0.06 ≤0.06

Typical all weld metal mechanical property

Wire Yied Stress Tensile Strength Elongation AKV(J)
EH14 ≥400Mpa 480-660Mpa 22 27/-40℃


1. Before welding, fluxes should be baked for two hours at300-350℃.

2. Removal of rust, oil, dirt, water, impurities, etc in welding-areas.