


Conforming to: AWS-A5.17       F6AO-EH12     F7A2-EM12K    DIN BAR 188AC10KM

Description and application

Agglomerated acid flux for welding of ordinary carbon manganese, low alloy structure and boiler quality steel in combination with appropriate SAW wire(such as EL8, EM12, EM12K). The flux suitable for high speed welding and provides very good weld bead appearance and excellent slag removal even with narrow groove and fillet welds.The other character of LJ-SJ501 is high resistance to cracking and porosity. Especially it is insensitive to oil, rust, scale and dirt on the surface to be welded. Most being applied to double-side with single pass weld and fillet welds.

● As the consumption of the flux is very low, it is very econmical.

● Flux type: Aluminum-Rutile

● Basicity index:0.5-0.8

● Grain size:2.0-0.28mm(10-60meshes)

Views: 834


Compositions of fluxes(%)

SiOe+TiO2 Al2Os+MnO CaF2 S P
25-35 50-60 3-10 ≤0.06 ≤0.06

Typical all weld metal mechanical property

Wire Yied Stress Tensile Strength Elongation AKV(J)
EL12 ≥330Mpa 415-550Mpa 22 27/0℃
EM12K ≥400Mpa 480-650Mpa 22 27/0℃


1. Before welding, fluxes should be baked for two hours at 300-350℃.
2. Removal of rust, oil, dirt, water, impurities, etc in welding-areas.